Shopper Connect Hero-17

The most important element of mystery shops is their ability to improve employee performance for our clients!

Restaurant Mystery Shopping Interaction

Mystery shoppers are the eyes and ears to see what's really happening during customer interactions.  Mystery shops serve as the foundation for the service development initiatives CXE develops for their clients. The data collected from mystery shops helps us determine in what areas employees need coaching, where they should be recognized and what they should be trained and developed on.

How does it come together before mystery shopping?

  • We start by collecting information about the client company and their industry to help shape a truly valuable and sustainable program.
  • From there, we design a mystery shopping form to accurately measure customer interactions according to the client’s wishes.
  • Then, we create guidelines to guide mystery shoppers along in order to meet the client’s evaluation hot points on the form.

What happens after mystery shopping?

  • CXE Trainer/Consultants often use results from YOUR mystery shops to write custom training programs for our clients that may be included in their employee performance reviews.
  • CXE Trainer/Consultants work with our clients to pinpoint problem areas and/or areas for recognition based on your mystery shops.
  • Through the work of our shoppers and their carefully reported interactions we are able to develop employees, make organizational improvements and create positive customer experiences.