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Experience is the Difference.

At CXE, we partner with our clients to craft a unified and thriving service culture that sets them apart. By creating engaging experiences for employees, and memorable, differentiated experiences for customers, we help clients chart a course towards new heights of excellence.

We begin by developing a deep understanding of needs through discovery and discussion with key client stakeholders. Once we determine program objectives, expectations, and desired results, we curate a strategy that outlines optimal solutions, recommendations, and next steps.

For over 25 years we have demonstrated that when you successfully engage employees, you create exceptional customer experiences, and deliver unprecedented results. Trusted by hundreds of clients across North America, CXE helps organizations retool, rethink and reinvigorate employee and customer experiences. 


An integrated framework for performance.

At CXE, designing a comprehensive employee-centric customer experience program begins with exploring the existing service culture, including mission, vision, values, as well as current engagement levels and organizational readiness for change. This assessment then informs our Strategic Components Model so we can develop an integrated strategy that initiates positive change and performance improvement across the organization.

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The Experience Framework


A brand is a promise delivered through experiences. Beyond simply a name and logo, the brand, vision and values are the beacons that guide every decision and action towards success. A concise and clearly articulated brand experience serves as the compass for guiding an organization’s customer experience and underpins all the initiatives that shape and sustain the Customer Experience (CX) and Employee Experience (EX) strategies.


People are an organization’s greatest asset, and when they are actively engaged in the process, they feel empowered to deliver upon expectations. A successful culture change must engage staff across all levels of an organization. In addition to gaining valuable insight into different needs and perspectives, widespread involvement in developing an organization’s CX strategy is critical to success and sustainability of a program. It creates stronger connections across all levels while supporting a unified service culture that meets and exceeds customer expectations.


A strategic and thoughtful communication plan help clients successfully manage employees through organizational change. When employees understand why change is happening, what is expected of them, and how they can contribute to success, it builds the momentum of a new service culture. By establishing and owning a consistent narrative, communication can show the path forward, while demonstrating outcomes and celebrating employees as champions who deliver exceptional customer experiences

The Experience Plan.

With the Customer Experience (CX) and Employee Experience (EX) framework in place, it's time to develop an actionable plan in order to achieve exceptional customer and employee experiences. A truly successful CX plan comprises the following strategic components:

Leader & Manager Development


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“There is almost no limit to the potential of an organization that recruits good people, raises them up as leaders and continually develops them."- John Maxwell

At CXE, we recognize that the cultivation of leadership talent is critical in creating agile, developmental CX change agents who truly make a difference.


Custom Training


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“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, INVOLVE me and I learn.”- Benjamin Franklin

At CXE, we are experts on the design and delivery of customized, interactive coaching and training that positively influences behavior and performance. Employee-centric training experiences are our expertise.

Performance Measurement


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“What gets measured gets done.” - Peter Drucker

At CXE, we know that what is measured is accomplished. We provide the analysis of key data and the establishment of goals necessary to operationalize CX initiatives.

Rewards & Recognition


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“Employees are a company’s greatest asset – they’re your competitive advantage. You want to attract and retain the best; provide them with encouragement, stimulus, and make them feel that they are an integral part of the company’s mission.”- Anne M. Mulcahy, former CEO of Xerox

The development of a celebratory, merit-based program that motivates employees to achieve CX goals is a critical component of exceptional Customer and Employee experiences.

Customer & Employee Experience Design. Amazing experiences happens when people, processes and place intersect.

Customer Experiences can be strategically designed, integrating and innovating People, Processes and Sense of Place within any organization:

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People: People are the backbone of every organization. They represent the brand and ensure experiences are consistently delivered at each and every customer interaction. When employees are actively engaged and empowered with the structures and knowledge for success, magic happens!

Processes: Processes are the framework for shaping the customer experience. Effective processes are designed through the lens of the customer and empower and support employees in delivering a seamless end-to-end experience.

Place: Whether its physical bricks and mortar, or a virtual online presence, place shapes the first impression of a brand. Is the space clean, welcoming and intuitive? Can a user easily navigate their way through? All the small details of place can make a big impact on journey to excellence.


A great customer experience is not happenstance, it is designed. In its simplest form, customer experience is how the people, place, and processes of your organization come together to form an impression on the customer. Was the customer greeted promptly and with courtesy, is the environment clean and welcoming, and do staff know how to problem solve are just a few influencers of the customer experience. An effective CX strategy however goes deeper and well beyond these topline lines.

Across the entire customer journey there is an opportunity to influence the customer experience. A CX strategy examines every aspect of an organization through the lens of a customer and identifies the actions needed to create exceptional experiences. This includes, ensuring the organization has the internal tools in place such as training, performance measurement, a rewards and recognition program, and leader and manager development policies and process, etc.